Bring the Dairy Farm into Your Classroom!

Discover Dairy is an interactive cross-curricular, multi-leveled lesson series that meets Pennsylvania state education standards and anchors for science, math and reading. The program also incorporates social studies concepts to show students where milk comes from and how dairy farms contribute to our world. In 2014, lessons were revised to incorporate Common CORE and STEM standards, with more writing assessment opportunities. View educational standard matrix.
Five lesson plans, with video motivators, reading guides, and assessment-based worksheets, are available for upper elementary level classrooms. Four two-part lessons, with video motivators, reading guides, and lab resources, are available for middle school. Education standards and anchors are listed with each individual lesson plan.
All lessons and associated materials are available to download at no cost. Adopt A Cow, Farm Field Trip Grants, and other opportunities are also offered through the program.
This resource was made possible by the American Dairy Association Northeast and the Dairy Excellence Foundation of Pennsylvania, with assistance from the American Dairy Association Indiana, American Dairy Association Mideast, Dairy Alliance, Dairy Council of Florida, Dairy Farmers of Washington, Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin, Dairy Management West, Dairy West, Maine Dairy Promotion Board, Midwest Dairy Association, New England Dairy, United Dairy Industry of Michigan, and the Center for Dairy Excellence.
For more information, contact:
Discover Dairy
Phone: 717-346-0849