Adopt A Cow “Sunday Funday” emails go out every other week to share partner resources with classrooms across the country. Web-based content that is appropriate for school-aged students between K-12 grade is perfect for the Sunday Funday email series. Holiday or calendar-based content, recipes, and virtual farm tour information is also ideal. The Sunday Funday emails will be sent out on the following dates:
- October 6
- October 20
- November 3
- November 17
- December 1
- December 15
- January 12
- January 26
- February 9
- February 23
- March 9
- March 23
- April 6
- April 27
To submit your content, fill out the form below. Please note if your content is ideal for a specific holiday or time of year. If you have any questions, email Emily Barge.