12 Days of Dairy Holiday Activities
As you and your students learn about dairy farming this school year, it’s time to get into the holi-dairy spirit! From crafts and recipes to a heartwarming movie, we encourage you to get creative and make these ideas your own. Want to start with Day Seven? Want to complete three activities in one day? There are no rules – just have fun with it! Don’t forget to tag Discover Dairy on social media to share your cow-themed holiday activities with us.
Day 1: Homemade Hot Chocolate
Homemade hot chocolate is not only festive and delicious, but did you know it includes milk? As your kids are learning about dairy this school year, remind them how many of their favorite holiday food and drinks include dairy products. Even better, when you’re at the grocery store, support your local farms by purchasing local milk that you can use when you’re making these recipes.
This hot chocolate recipe is great for kids and calls for 4 cups of milk in addition to cocoa powder, granulated sugar, and milk. Add some chocolate chips to make it extra sweet!
Looking for a hot chocolate recipe that’s a little more complex? These hot chocolate bombs are taking over the Internet! Half the fun is making them, and the other half is watching the hot chocolate bomb burst into a mug of hot chocolate once you add hot milk.

(Source: Scholastic.com and Kids Activities Blog)
Day 2: Cow Marshmallows
While these cow marshmallows would be a fun addition for any cow-themed party, we think they would be delicious in a mug of hot chocolate this holiday season! All you have to do is paint cow spots on large marshmallows using melted chocolate for a yummy (and adorable) treat.

(Source: Pinterest)
Day 3: Holiday Whipped Cream
Whipped cream is in high demand every holiday season, and it’s a fun and easy recipe you can make with your kids! Whether you want to add it to your favorite pie or top your hot chocolate, you can make connections to your dairy lessons by explaining how whipped cream’s core ingredient – heavy cream – comes from cows. Try making a salted caramel, chocolate, or orange spice flavor whipped cream and add some holiday sprinkles.

(Source: Epicuricloud)
Day 4: Pine Cone Cow Ornament
Feeling crafty? This pine cone cow will get you and your kids out in nature and make for an adorable holiday ornament. Add some holiday-colored paint, sequins, or yarn to the finished craft and don’t forget to add a loop so you can hang it from the tree!

(Source: Ma and Pa Projects)
Day 5: Cow Hand Print Ornament
If you’re looking for another cow-themed ornament idea, this project is great for younger kids in conjunction with Adopt a Cow and Discover Dairy lessons. Turn your student’s hand print into a cow, and get creative by adding holiday colors and a loop to hang from the branch of your tree. You could even help your students write your adopted calf’s name on the ornament to personalize it!

(Source:ABC’s of Literacy)
Day 6: Cow Paper Bag Puppet
This craft is not only colorful and fun, but it can lead to so many creative holiday activities. All you need is a white paper lunch bag, dry sponge, construction paper, paint, googly eyes, and glue to bring this craft to life. Instead of pink paper and a heart-shaped sponge, try adding some holiday colors and tree or star-shaped sponge prints.

(Source: Our Kid Things)
Day 7: Cow Bookmark
Have you been enjoying some of the dairy books listed in our Classroom Enrichment section? These cow bookmarks are a fun craft to help your students get excited about reading. They can also make for adorable holiday gifts. Add a colorful holiday ribbon and personalize it with your adopted calf’s name or the name of your students’ favorite book!

(Source: Thrifty Fun)
Day 8: Paper Plate Cow
For another easy craft to do with your students, try creating festive paper plate cows. If you want to transform them into holiday ornaments, use smaller sized paper plates and add a loop of yarn. Depending on the breed of your adopted calf, help your students color the spots accordingly.

(Source: The Joy of Sharing)
Day 9: Cow Headband
As your students get excited to learn about animals and dairy farming, these cow headbands are a fun and simple craft to incorporate into your lessons. All you need is colored construction paper, scissors, a stapler and glue! To get into the holiday spirit, add some ribbon, sequins, and other festive touches.

(Source:Kansas Living)
Day 10: Cow Cup Ornaments
Preschoolers and elementary students are sure to love this cow-themed craft. They can make for cute, cup-sized holiday ornaments too. Don’t forget to personalize it with your adopted calf’s name or test your students’ dairy knowledge by having them write their favorite dairy fact on the cup.

(Source: Homeschool Preschool)
Day 11: Annabelle’s Wish Movie
If you’re looking for a holiday movie that will inspire your students and help make connections to dairy farming, Annabelle’s Wish is a heartwarming choice. The animated Christmas tale is about a calf that Santa gives to a boy who can’t speak. The movie is available on Amazon to stream for your kids. After you’re done watching, ask them these questions to foster discussion as a class:
- What is Annabelle’s wish?
- Was the wish for her or for someone else?
- How does Annabelle’s wish symbolize the holiday spirit?

Day 12: Holiday-Themed Photo
To end our “12 Days of Dairy Holiday Activities,” take a holiday-themed photo of your class or students to share with your adopted calf and farm.
Share the photo with us on social media by tagging Discover Dairy, or email it to us at info@discoverdairy.com. We can’t wait to see how you are getting into the holiday spirit this year!