Dairy-Themed Games and Entrepreneur Innovation Contest

With technology and innovation in mind, these online games and innovation kit can help students explore the different facets of agriculture and dairy farming.

My American Farm Dairy-Themed Games: Are your students ready to dive into the powerful world of energy? Would they find grocery store shopping and lunchbox activities fun? These online dairy learning games are interactive, fast-paced games to make learning about dairy and agriculture fun!

Age group?
These online games are ideal for pre-K to fifth-grade students.  

Entrepreneur Innovation Kit: Midwest Dairy, GenYouth, and AdVenture Capital have a simple, free, easy-to-integrate entrepreneur innovation and ideation kit for you to use with your students this school year and beyond. How you use the contents of the kit is up to you, but the goal is for your students to feel inspired and empowered to submit a big idea for up to $1,000 in grant funding at the end of it!  

Age group? This innovation kit is ideal for 8th – 12th grade students.