
Celebrate Fall and Thanksgiving in the Classroom

We hope you can utilize these resources and activities to enhance your classroom experience! 

  • A Dairy Farmer’s Team: Dairy farms — whether large or small — make animal care a top priority. They have a team of specialists to help them provide cows with comfortable living conditions, a nutritious diet, and good medical care. Age group? Elementary and Middle School. 
  • Yogurt Cup Turkey Craft: If you’re feeling festive and want to help your students get a serving of dairy in their diet, try making these yogurt cup turkeys in your classroom! After each student enjoys their favorite flavor of yogurt, take some feathers, paint, foam and googly eyes. Watch the cups transform into colorful turkeys! Age group? Elementary and Middle School.  Click here for examples.
  • Geography of Thanksgiving Dinner: In this free lesson plan students identify common Thanksgiving foods and their farm source, determine if those foods can be produced locally, and locate the common origins of their Thanksgiving day dinner. Age group? Grades 6-8 and 9-12. Click here to find the free lesson plans. 
  • Coloring Contest: The 2025 Pennsylvania Farm Show Coloring Contest is now accepting entries! Have your students grab some crayons, colored pencils or markers and submit their colored picture by December 15. Age group? All! Click below to download the coloring pages, entry form and rules.

Dairy Fun Fact

Did you know that milk arrives at your school in as little as 3 days after leaving the farm?

Share this fact with your students to teach them how fresh their lunch milk is! 

Thanksgiving Turkey Cheese Ball

This Thanksgiving-themed turkey cheese ball is a fun way to share a dairy snack while celebrating the Thanksgiving holiday!  

– 8 oz. package cream cheese
– 1 cup shredded cheddar
– 1/2 cup chopped up mixed nuts
– 2 candy eyes
– 1 Slim Jim Pretzel sticks
– 1 round chocolate candy
– 1 candy corn
– A few teaspoons of melted chocolate

Click here for the full recipe and instructions!

Farm-to-Table Learning Idea

Check out this Farm-to-School Lunch celebration held at Connie’s school. She adopted a calf and now the students can connect with local farming and explore the journey of fresh, nutritious food. They created a menu with locally sourced foods from their community. 

We’d love to see your creativity and share it with others too! Send your photos and stories to us at

Dairy Recycling and Sustainability Activities

We hope you can utilize these resources and activities to enhance your classroom experience! 

  • Wear Your Milk: Milk fabric, or milk cotton, is an eco-friendly textile made from casein, a milk protein. It’s known for being soft, durable, and breathable with a cotton-like texture. The production process uses minimal water and low-impact dyes, making it sustainable. Although milk fabric originated in the 1930s, advancements in technology have improved its viability, blending it often with cotton or silk for added durability. Teachers can use this topic to explore sustainable textiles and biotechnology in the classroom. 

    Age group? Middle school. Learn more about the process of milk cotton fabric! 
  • Dairy Recycling Lessons: Water and milk are important partners in dairy farming; in fact, milk is 90 percent water. Only about 1 percent of the Earth’s fresh water is suitable for human, plant, and animal use, so conserving water in dairy farming is as important a goal for farmers as it should be for your students and their families — because we all share the same local watershed, whether we live in a rural, suburban, or urban community.

    Age group? Grades 2-4. Click here for lessons and activities related to dairy recycling.

National Agriculture in the Classroom Conference

The 2025 National Agriculture in the Classroom Conference, “Lakes, Land, and Legends”, takes place in Minneapolis, Minnesota on June 23-26, 2025. Make sure you sign up for NAITC! We’ll have some special surprises and goodies from Discover Dairy. More details to come!

NAITC Conference Teacher Scholarship: Apply today for a scholarship to attend the NAITC Conference with registration and lodging paid for! Due December 15

Grants Available to Educators: Apply for a grant to help enhance an agriculture project or program within your classroom! Due November 15.

Dairy Fun Fact

Did you know that dairy farmers can reuse water for many purposes, including cleaning barns, irrigating crops, and cooling milk?

Share this fact with your students so they can learn more about recycling on a dairy farm! 

Interactive Dairy Farm Virtual Field Trip

The Dairy Alliance has developed a dairy farm virtual field trip tour. From the professional nutritionists who develop balanced diets for cows, the farm workers who ensure cows are safe and comfortable, to the technicians who ensure milk is safe, nutritious and pasteurized, dairy farms are often complex operations. One of the most common questions about dairy is, “What actually happens on a dairy farm?” The dairy farm virtual field trip is suitable for learning in individual or classroom settings.

Writing Activity With Your Adopted Calf

Check out what Dee from South Carolina has done with her students after they received their adopted calf! Her first-grade students practiced their writing to introduce the calf to the rest of their school. 

We’d love to see your creativity and share it with others too! Send your photos and stories to us at