Category: Dairy Farm
Dairy Fun Fact: Milk Is 87% Water
Did you know milk is 87 percent water? This is a relevant statistic to share with your students as you celebrate National Water Day and Nutrition Month using this week’s Sunday Funday activities! With milk being filled with so much water, that’s why cows drink a lot of water on a daily basis. They actually…
From Farm to Fridge: Watch Dairy Foods Video
With so much focus on breakfast, dairy-packed foods, and school nutrition this week, check out this interesting, three-minute “From Farm to Fridge” video about dairy foods. Discover how dairy foods get from the cow to your glass, bowl or plate! Age group? This video is ideal for students of all ages.
Join This Virtual Farm Tour LIVE on February 14
If you’re looking for an exciting virtual farm tour this week, join Wil-Roc Farms and Farmer Cody from New York on Wednesday, February 14! This tour is being hosted and planned by American Dairy Association North East, so email Kelsey O’Shea if you have questions. The tour includes three live stops: the cow barn, calf…

Make Connections Between Engineering and Dairy Farming During National Engineers Week Starting Feb. 18
Make Connections Between Engineering and Dairy Farming During National Engineers Week Starting Feb. 18
Did you know National Engineers Week takes place from February 18-24? Engineers work with dairy farmers to help make operational improvements that are good for the cows and the environment. This is a great time to make connections to potential careers in agriculture, including jobs in the STEM field such as engineering! These resources and…
Dairy Fun Fact & Robotic Milking Parlor Video
Did you know there are over 35,000 robotic milking units on dairy farms across the globe? There are engineers and robotic milking technicians involved in bringing this innovative technology to life on dairy farms. If you’re going to try some of the National Engineers Week activities we shared above, or just want to make some…
Save the Date for Virtual Farm Tour at Zahncroft Dairy on April 9
We are excited to share that our Adopt a Cow host farm from Pennsylvania, Zahncroft Dairy, is participating in a virtual farm tour with American Dairy Association North East on Tuesday, April 9. These virtual farm tours transport you digitally to a real dairy farm with the farmer serving as your LIVE guide to answer…
Videos About Dairy Farming to Share With Students
If you’re looking for an indoor activity this winter to take your Adopt a Cow lessons to the next level, check out both of these informative videos! Your students will learn more about dairy farming and how cows nourish the world. Q&A Video With Farmer Pam Farmer Pam from Selz-Pralle Dairy, who many of you…
Frequently Asked Questions About Calf Care
As you share Update 1 about your adopted calf with your students, here are some answers to frequently asked questions about your calf and her life on the farm. These topics can help you make connections to how old your calf is now and what her life is like during the winter months. How Do…
How Do Cows (and Calves) Stay Warm in the Winter?
The weather outside may be frightful but dairy cows are delightfully warm inside the barn! Did you know a cow’s ideal temperature is between 25°F – 50°F? Most barns are equipped with curtains that may be manually raised or lowered to protect against snow and wind. Soft sand or straw beds keep cows warm and…
Fun Fact: Cows and Pumpkins
Cows and pumpkins are the perfect pairing because dairy cows are the ultimate “recyclers!” Because cows have four stomachs, it gives them the ability to digest foods — like leftover pumpkins — that people cannot, ensuring that an entire patch of pumpkins won’t go to waste at the end of the holiday season. In turn,…