Category: Dairy Farm

Make Connections Between Engineering and Dairy Farming During National Engineers Week Starting Feb. 18

Did you know National Engineers Week takes place from February 18-24? Engineers work with dairy farmers to help make operational improvements that are good for the cows and the environment. This is a great time to make connections to potential careers in agriculture, including jobs in the STEM field such as engineering! These resources and…

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Fun Fact: Cows and Pumpkins

Cows and pumpkins are the perfect pairing because dairy cows are the ultimate “recyclers!”  Because cows have four stomachs, it gives them the ability to digest foods — like leftover pumpkins — that people cannot, ensuring that an entire patch of pumpkins won’t go to waste at the end of the holiday season. In turn,…

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What Happens When a Calf Is Born?

As you get ready for your calf announcement on October 17, it’s not too early to start introducing the world of dairy farming to your students! Here are a few videos and resources to help your class learn how calves are born and how they are cared for from their first day of life. Age group? These calf-focused…

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